Wallops 2.1 Released

Another update to Wallops building on the 2.0 release is available:

  • wallops-2.1.sit (StuffIt 3 archive)
    SHA256: 7cb16046e076488e1997e1232631cf2dc9737bac0a94f0348caf5d183927f4a9
    SHA1: fd1d7145aa4baaf5322175f348644d1057267a65

This update includes a number of new features and bugfixes:

  • Implement tab completion in channels; by typing part of a user's nick and pressing tab, the input bar will show their completed nick with ":" after it
  • Do UTF-8 to MacRoman conversion of incoming text, where possible
  • Add support for /connect, /reconnect, and /server to reconnect after a broken connection, or to switch servers, without having to close the window
  • Add keyboard shortcuts Cmd-1 through Cmd-9 to switch to that numbered tab, and Cmd-, and Cmd-. to switch to the previous and next tabs
  • Add support for /say, useful when having to say something starting with a slash
  • Limit input line to the maximum IRC line length and beep when it's exceeded
  • Handle when a user being queried changes their nick
  • Handle DNR (MacTCP's DNS resolver) returning when a host does not exist
  • When sending a message to a user with /msg, don't update the server window's tab since the activity is only what we just sent
  • Improve matching the user's own nick when highlighting messages to us (and notifying about them), including matches not just at the beginning of a line
  • Fix notifications sometimes not being canceled
  • Fix handling the user's nick when changed and not in any channels
  • Fix background window updates that were sometimes drawing over the wrong window
  • Fix rendering of outline on connection window's Connect button
Questions or comments?
Please feel free to contact me.